Where To Shop Vintage Inspired Clothing In Australia
I love a red lip, a fitted waist and a great pair of cat-eye sunglasses.
How To Fake Longer Legs With Clothing
I love a bit of leg, shaving them is quite a task, but in the right outfit – they’re amazing. Now this post isn’t for women who already have gloriously long, evenly toned legs.
How Long Should Quality Shoes Last?
I once worked in a shoe store and I would constantly get men and women coming in saying ‘I purchased these shoes x months ago, and they’re already falling apart.’ My inner effortless bitch wanted to say ‘WHAT HAVE YOU BEEN DOING TO YOUR FABULOUS QUALITY SHOES!’ but my customer service voice had to take the shoes, refund them and blow them kisses as they left. Ugh.
What To Look For In Good Quality Shoes
A phrase I never hear women or men say when purchasing shoes are ‘only skinny people can wear that’ or ‘you’ve got to be a model to wear shoes like those.’ As a Stylist, I’m hearing these phrases come out of private clients mouths regularly when referring to clothing, but never when referring to shoes.
Introducing The Busy Bitch Planner For 2017
There is something oddly satisfying about buying new stationery.