Dressing For Your Shape Instead Of Weighing In
Focus On Dressing For Your Shape Instead Of Obsession Over A Weight.
What To Wear To Christmas Lunch
Many of us have mixed feelings about Christmas lunch, it’s a time to spend with your family, be thankful and eat until we’re definitely not zipping up our skinny jeans for at least a fortnight but it’s also a time that can be a little stressful when it comes to choosing what to wear. Sometimes you’re seeing people you haven’t seen in a while and you want to look your best but still be comfortable in the warm December weather. So what should you wear?
How To Shop The Boxing Day Sales
Being a Fashion Stylist, you could say that I never actually left retail because a big part of my job is finding items for clients. However, back when I did work in retail, I worked every boxing day sale and it wasn’t pretty, mainly because it’s filled with women who don’t know how to shop the boxing day sales like an Effortless Bitch would.
How To Shop For Accessories
Every time I meet a new client and look through their wardrobe one of the first things I do is check out their accessories collection.
5 Style Tips For New Years Eve
The size of our clutch to phone ratio is no longer the only problem us Effortless Bitches face when preparing for party season.